How to Choose a Heat Pump Contractor
If you have a heating or air conditioning system that isn’t working efficiently and effectively, you can probably benefit from installing a heat pump. This technology can be more energy-efficient than traditional heating equipment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making your home more comfortable.
However, it’s important to know how to choose the right heat pump contractor for your project. A heat pump installation is a big investment, so you want to make sure you get a quality system that will last for years.
It’s also important to ask the right questions during the quote process to ensure that you receive a system that best fits your needs and budget. The contractor you work with should be able to answer your questions about the heating and cooling system’s efficiency, size, and options for additional features.
For example, if you’re looking to add a backup or supplemental heating system to your heat pump, the contractor should be able to provide guidance on whether this is a good option for your home, what kind of technology is best, and how to modify electrical service to accommodate the new equipment.
You should also be sure that you get a full breakdown of the cost of the project, including the installation and any applicable rebates or tax credits that you may qualify for. These incentives aren’t always easy to find, so it’s best to ask for them from the heat pump contractor.
There are also several federal and state programs that offer incentives for heating and cooling with high-efficiency heat pumps. These include NYS Clean Heat, the ENERGY STAR program, and the National Grid Rebate Program.
These programs can help you save up to 25% off the installation cost of a heat pump. To take advantage of these programs, you must install a heat pump from a participating contractor and meet the program requirements.
Another way to reduce your heating and cooling costs is to improve the insulation in your home or building. This can be an expensive step, but it’s worth it to increase your energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
A heat pump contractor should be able to provide you with an estimate on how much your heating and cooling system will cost, based on your insulation and other factors. You should also be able to compare your contractor’s quote with other quotes you receive.
You should also be able to tell if your contractor has installed electric heat pumps before. This is important because it can indicate their experience and skill level.
If a contractor doesn’t have extensive experience installing heat pumps, they likely don’t understand how to properly insulate and evaluate the space for energy efficiency.
It can be a challenge to retrofit a building with a new heat pump system, especially in older buildings. This is why some contractors prefer to replace gas furnaces instead of installing a new system that might not have been designed properly.
But this isn’t always the best option, because it’s more costly to install a heat pump than a gas furnace. So a contractor’s pushback against heat pumps can sometimes be a red flag for consumers.