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Things to Know About Halal Certified Meals

There are actually 1.6 billion Muslim consumers in different parts of the world, the trade of such halal food and goods continues to grow. There are also more and more suppliers who need to deal with the products and also adapt their offer. For the consumers out there, the identification and also the labeling of the halal products from the traders and the producers are quite a necessity. Well, this identification is made possible only with the transparent and also clear traceability of each purchased material and those manufactured goods like those food additives used on the process of manufacturing.

These are the very important information that you have to know regarding the halal certification and also how to apply this to your document and the quality management as well. The term Halal actually comes from the Arabic word meaning permissible. You have to know that the Quran has classified foods and also goods in various categories like the halal which means permitted and haram which actually means forbidden. To be able to follow this rule, it is quite important for the consumers to know and identify if the product which they are buying in the retail has been produced based on the Quran rules. That clear labeling is just made possible when the products are being identified as halal on the entire manufacturing process and also the trade of such raw materials.

With the definition of the halal or the haram having no legal basis, the compliance and the specification of such requirements aren’t consistent. There are some basic presetting which includes that the slaughter of the processed animal should be made according to the rules in the Quran. Moreover, the product must not have any form of pork meat. Also, in a lot of cases, the use of alcohol, though this is just used as a cleaning agent is problematic.

With such absence of the standard rules for the production and also the manufacturing of those halal products would lead to the existence of many halal certifications and also labels. You should also be aware that the criteria for the halal aren’t just valid for the food industry but for the packaging materials, the food additives and also chemicals. This is one reason why such criteria aren’t just focusing on the process of manufacturing and also in the different materials which are utilized in the production facility but such would also target the issues like the cleaning procedure for those machines used in the process.

There are many recognized certification centers which can be found internationally and they have their respective certificate and also logos that attest the halal activity like the Halal Quality Control, World Halal Union and others. You may find an overview of other national and international certification centers.

When it comes to obtaining a halal certification for halal-certified meals, this will only be released after going through a successful audit. Also, an independent organization may be in charge of the certification and there is an independent auditor that reviews such certifying company.

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