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Outpatient Rehabilitation and Its Benefits

Outpatient rehab treatment is a popular option for individuals who are in need of help sans inpatient stay. It is both affordable and effective for those in the initial stages of addiction or those who have just checked out of inpatient care. It involves fewer participation hours weekly, usually about 9 hours, and offers education and support for people recovering from alcoholism or substance abuse.

stop the use of the drug or alcohol, teach new knowledge and skills to the client, provide individual and group therapy, and prevent a backslide.

Outpatient treatment as part of an extensive care plan has multiple benefits. For one, those who are family breadwinners will be able to keep their jobs while being treated. Students can remain in school while getting the help they need. And parents can still live with their children while recovering and even becoming better parents. In short, an outpatient client will only be separated from the addiction.

Deepening spiritual life, education on the disease-like qualities of substance abuse and alcoholism, and learning how to prevent relapse are just a few examples of the various benefits of outpatient care. Enhancing spirituality, education on the true nature of substance abuse and alcoholism as a disease, and mastering relapse aversion skills are only a few of the numerous benefits that come with outpatient care.

The following are some of the most significant advantages of outpatient treatment:

> More cost-effective than inpatient care and covered by insurance in most cases > Can be equally effective as inpatient care, but lower in cost > Creates a support network > Gives access to outreach resources (for example, contact info for support groups) > Psychiatric monitoring and care, which includes individual and group therapy > Keeping normal daily routine while being treated

Different Types of Support

Many studies have shown that social support, especially from family, substantially improves a person’s well-being and chances of a total recovery. During outpatient treatment, clients meet other people who have firsthand information on the struggles of beating addiction. Establishing a support network while in outpatient care can open new friendships that help clients start a brand new life faster than they can on their own.

Outpatient treatment provides once-addicted individuals extra resources for speedier recovery, from helpful books to counseling referrals and more. While not a standalone option for people dealing with addiction, it can be very powerful when delivered in the continuum of care. The point is to meet all of the person’s needs through the rehab plan that he or she has chosen.

Lastly, it is important to remember that outpatient treatment plans and facilities are unique in their own ways. And though their goals are highly similar, they have varying abilities in reaching such goals. Therefore, when choosing an outpatient treatment facility, research is a must.

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