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The Symptoms of Thyroid Disorder

Thyroid disorder occurs when the thyroid gland produces a lot of hormones more than the required amount of very low amounts of hormones. The hormones that are produced in the thyroid gland usually help in the metabolic processes of the body, growth and even the coordination of energy. The production of low amounts of hormones is what is known as Hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland produces low amounts of hormones, then the body metabolism will be slowed down and also growth is decreased in a lot of parts of the body. Thyroid disorders are very common today. You should understand that according to statistics, women are more prone to having thyroid disorder as compared to men. You should also know that thyroid disorder has been known to affect people according to age. The older a person the higher the chances of developing a thyroid disorder. Also, the intensity of the thyroid disorder on adults will vary as compared to children. These are therefore some of the facts about thyroid disorder that you need to understand.

Thyroid disorder has a lot of symptoms that you should watch out for. You should understand that some of these symptoms will be clearer on some people as compared to the rest. Some thyroid symptoms are usually mild in men when compared to women. The most common thyroid disorder symptoms that you should know include tiredness. When the hormones produced by the thyroid gland are too low, then your metabolism slows and you start to feel exhausted. Feeling sleepy often is one of the symptoms that you are experiencing a thyroid disorder. On top of that, you will start to gain a lot of weight if you have a thyroid disorder. This occurs because a lot of calories are not been burned in the body.

The other symptom of thyroid disorder is that you start feeling cold. When you have Hypothyroidism, the body is unable to generate enough heat. Therefore, this explains the cold. You are bound to experience headaches and also change in bowel movements. The other common symptom of thyroid disorder is dry skin or very oily skin. The skin may also be itchy some times. If you have a thyroid disorder, you will also experience general body weakness and muscle pains. When there are low hormones produced by the thyroid gland, normal metabolism cannot occur and hence the body finds alternative means to generate energy. The alternative way is to break down muscles for the generation of energy. This, therefore, results in the thyroid disorder patient feeling weak and experiencing pain the muscles. For women, you should know that thyroid disorder results in irregular menstrual cycles. The other common symptom of thyroid disorder is anxiety and depression. Therefore, if you notice most of these symptoms, you are advised to seek medical attention. You should know that there is a medical treatment to thyroid disorder and all you have to do is find a professional medical center for it. You should make sure you confirm the qualifications of the medical center.

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