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How to Perform an Espresso Machine Backflush?

Back flushing is the type of procedure that is designed specifically to remove loose coffee grounds in the machine that have accumulated between the screen and the brewing head. This can basically happen in any time of the day to which the machine is constantly used and you should know that it is essential to have any unwanted tannins cleaned.

Making use of blank filter which has zero holes, the water is forced back up on the screen and the brewing head will dislodge loose coffee grounds. As for the loose coffee grounds, this will be collected in the blank. Well to make sure that there will be optimal performance for this operation, it has to be repeated at least 3 times in a day per group head.

When talking about the backflushing of the espresso machine, what you need to do is to follow the steps that are explained in the next lines.

Step number 1. You have to remove all the handles from the brewing heads and knock out the spent coffee cake that is left on the machine.

Step number 2. Use the espresso machine brush you have in hand in scrubbing away all of the remaining coffee grounds from brewing heads.

Step number 3. Select a handle and then, remove the filter by making use of a teaspoon and then, insert blank filter to the handle.

Step number 4. Add a level of teaspoon of your preferred espresso machine backflush detergent into the blank filter. When you are done, you have to put the handle that is containing the blank filter and detergent too to the first brew head. Once you are through, turn it on and leave it running for 10 seconds and then, switch it off.

Without having the remove the handle, you should now run the group head for additional 10 seconds before switching it off. Before turning it off, run the group for additional 10 seconds. As soon as you are done, remove the handle from group head and run the group into a drip try for extra 10 seconds in an effort to flush out all remaining chemical residue.

Step number 5. You should now begin with the refitting of handle but for this time, you must now leave the blank to the group head since it’ll be read for another brewing sessions.

Step number 6. All you have to do is basically repeat steps 4 as well as 5 on every group that is using handle fitted with a blank.

As you follow these steps, you can do espresso machine backflushing effectively. Just refer to these steps if you don’t know how to get it started.

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